Informative and awareness-raising meeting

AWEN, in collaboration with the Psycho-Social Center "Vatra" Vlora, has continued organizing informative and awareness-raising meetings with students from the "Ali Demi" high school in Vlora. These meetings aimed to address the causes and social consequences of domestic violence and gender-based violence, as well as the legislation and protection mechanisms available for victims of violence.

The objective of these meetings was to inform and raise awareness among young people about the phenomenon of violence, while providing information on where victims of violence can seek protection and support for their rehabilitation and reintegration. During the sessions, students were educated about the causes and social consequences of violence among minors, as well as the legislation and protection mechanisms in place for survivors of violence. The students actively participated in the discussions and posed various questions, with a particular focus on sexual violence and online violence.

These informative and awareness meetings are part of the project "Strengthening the coordinated response of service providers from the police, health, education, and local government sectors to manage cases related to all forms of violence against women, in accordance with CEDAW standards and the Istanbul Convention." The project is funded by the EU, supported by UN Women, and implemented by AWEN.

Protection of criminal victims

During the last 6 months, AWEN has been defending 19 victims of criminal offenses in the District Courts. All cases have experienced crimes of gender-based violence against them and their family members.