Training: "Management of sexual abuse cases according to the Sexual Violence Case Management Protocol at the Local Level through the Coordinated Multi-Sectoral Approach”

AWEN, together with "Une, Gruaja" Association organized a training session in Pogradec Municipality to enhance the capacities of ETN members in the Domestic Violence Referral Mechanism. The training focused on the topic "Management of sexual abuse cases according to the Sexual Violence Case Management Protocol at the Local Level through the Coordinated Multi-Sectoral Approach."

This meeting was held as part of the project "Strengthening the coordinated response of service providers from the police, health structures, education, and the local sector for the management of cases of all forms of violence against women, in accordance with the standards of CEDAW and the Convention of Istanbul," which is funded by the EU.

The intervention specifically addressed the requirements for managing cases of sexual violence, particularly for minors, according to the Protocol on the Management of Cases of Sexual Violence at the Local Level through a Coordinated Multi-Sectoral Approach. It also emphasized the ethical principles that professionals should uphold when working directly with victims of sexual abuse. During the training, participants discussed concrete cases to foster engagement, exchange experiences, and coordinate efforts for case protection and referral.

Additionally, the coordinator from BGJ/DHF in Pogradec municipality and the specialist from NJMF presented the situation of violence against women/gender-based violence in Pogradec Municipality in 2021. They also highlighted the coordinated approach to addressing the needs of victims of violence and the challenges that lie ahead for a more effective treatment of violence cases in 2022.

Protection of criminal victims

During the last 6 months, AWEN has been defending 19 victims of criminal offenses in the District Courts. All cases have experienced crimes of gender-based violence against them and their family members.