Protection of criminal victims
During the last 6 months, AWEN has been defending 19 victims of criminal offenses in the District Courts. All cases have experienced crimes of gender-based violence against them and their family members.
Seanca dëgjimore:
Pas grumbullimit të më shumë se 22 mijë nënshkrimeve nga qytetarët, një nismë e drejtuar nga CLWG, AWEN dhe GADC, kërkesa u pranua nga KQZ-ja për projektligjin për regjistrin publik të abuzuesve seksualë.
Pas grumbullimit të më shumë se 22 mijë nënshkrimeve nga qytetarët, një nismë e drejtuar nga CLWG, AWEN dhe GADC, kërkesa u pranua nga KQZ-ja për projektligjin për regjistrin publik të abuzuesve seksualë.
During the last 6 months, AWEN has been defending 19 victims of criminal offenses in the District Courts. All cases have experienced crimes of gender-based violence against them and their family members.
AWEN was part of the protest organized on March 8 on International Women's Rights Day against social injustices and inequalities.
Open forum "Together towards sustainable peace" There is no time to lose for the implementation of the Women, Peace, Security Agenda! Rights cannot and should not be taken for granted!
On December 7, 2022, the presentation activity of the study 'Sexual violence and sexual harassment - An analysis of the situation', carried out by AWEN, took place.